This Animal Makes Puppies and Baby Goats Seem Like...meh 

There is an adorable animal in the Utah mountains that’s cuteness captures all who find it. It is the pika, an animal related to the rabbit that has short chipmunk-like ears. It lives in higher elevations and is not often seen by the average valley dweller. 

It makes its home in rock piles and feeds on leaves, grasses and other greens. This cute little dude is threatened by increasing temperatures, but so far is doing well in the beehive state. It is also pretty smart when it comes to surviving harsh conditions. 

Pika eating outside its burrow
Pika outside its burrow

Can Pika Predict What Kind of Winter We Will Have? 

Pika live in dens in rock piles on mountain sides. Leading up to winter, they gather edible greens outside their burrows in big piles.

This is how you know you have found where one lives. There is a pile of green material among the rocks. Some locals believe you can judge how hard the winter will be by the size of the pika’s food supply. 

However, this may be more an indication of the conditions leading up to the winter rather than the cold season’s harshness. Meaning the pika can collect more if it has been a wet summer and there is lots of green stuff to gather from. 

What is impressive is the pika’s ability to gather greens that don’t immediately begin to degrade. They are little biochemists who find the right green material that will last and become edible over time. They apparently have both the looks and the brains. 

Read More: Humanlike Bears In Utah Meet Challenger Chinese Bear

As cute as these animals are, I am surprised they haven’t become popular pets or at least movie stars. It is probably best for them that they don’t. 

LOOK: The most popular dog breeds in America

Using the American Kennel Club's 2023 rankings, released on April 9, 2024, Stacker compiled a ranking of the 100 most popular dog breeds in the U.S.

Gallery Credit: Stacker