Utah grocery cart theft seems to be a growing problem. This will give you some insight into the issue and what to do about it.


Anyone of us who have ended up with arms full of groceries hoping the checkout line will be short know the value of the shopping cart. The other day as I was leaving our storage unit I drove by a unit whose door was open. I noticed that it was full of at least 4 shopping carts from different stores. Now I don't know if he had purchased these at some used shopping cart store, but I suspect not.

Is taking a shopping cart a crime in Utah?


It sure is. It is classified as retail theft and is punishable by a fine of up to $1,000.00 or up to 6 months in jail.

But is it really a problem? 


It has become one. The Food Market Institute estimates that stores have seen around two million carts being stolen a year. Carts can cost upwards to around $900.00 dollars and as you can imagine when stores lose that investment they share the cost with us.

Is it theft or a runaway?


Before I condemn the populace for stealing all of the missing shopping carts we know that sometimes these carts take a walk on their own. Our Southern Utah winds are exceptional at scaring carts away from the herd, so it's not just crime, but sometimes the wild spirit of the cart.

What should you do when you find one?

Some cities have a hotline where you can report a shopping cart on the lamb. I couldn't find one for any southern Utah cities, but I did find a tip that you can call the store if you find an abandoned cart. Many stores have services that will pick them up.

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