“That Aint No Happy Child”: Find Out More In This Installment
Dave is an author; he has written a 3 book fantasy series called “The Demon Curse” which discovers the fantastical demon society and how they interact with the human world. One family in this human world has a baby which to their surprise is weak and troubled, so unlike his outgoing parents. Will this child be the connection?
Now, Dave may or may not know that I am posting a portion of the book per week, like the installments that writers used to do. I post an installment once a week (until I get caught) so without further introduction I give you the seventh installment of The Demon Curse Series Book #1 entitled “Son of Ruin” written by David E. Hiatt.
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Chapter 2 The Strange Boy Installment 7
When Jonathan was two years old, his father was standing in the room and looking down at him curled up in his crib, his father was sure the boy had some sort of mental disability. He looked weak, even malnourished and his development was at the back end of normal.
He tried to engage his son, but the baby wouldn’t meet his father’s eyes. He had seen this in some of the help he had hired at work from time to time. Unable to present themselves properly. Late at night he scoured the internet, searching for various symptoms that would affect his child’s development.
On the advice of her husband, Jonathan’s mom took him to a pediatrician and asked to have him evaluated for possible disabilities. The doctor and a nurse took the child back to an examination room. After a short time, they returned and assured her that he was just a sensitive child and would need a certain amount of care and attention. The nurse handed her a list of to do's and not-to-do’s and sent her to the front desk to schedule a follow-up visit. Trusting the doctor, she took Jonathan home and gave the list to the nanny with firm instructions to follow it.
At first his mother had made an attempt to care for Jonathan, reading nursery rhymes to him, playing Mozart and other classical music in his room. But his constant need for attention seemed all-consuming. She found herself thinking more and more of her life before she had the child, wishing she could go back and change that decision. Still, she soldiered on, buying the best for him and doing what she could to maintain an interest in his development. But it was difficult.
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At times she had to bring home her work and his constant interruptions were maddening. More and more she left the care of her son to the nanny, who seemed to be able to keep him quiet and at bay. Eventually she found she did better with short, focused interaction with Jonathan and this became the routine.
There you have it. The seventh piece of the book. Let me know if you enjoyed this, want more, or anything else I can do to make it easier to read.
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