The Most Satisfying Part About the Pac 12 Championship
At the end of Braveheart there's an awesome scene where the British King Edward "Longshanks" is laying on his deathbed. He has spent the last several years trying to kill William Wallace the Scottish rebel (played by Mel Gibson).
The King's daughter-in-law, who is pregnant and carrying the heir to the throne, comes and whispers in his ear that the baby isn't his son's. It's Wallace's. And the look on the king's face is very satisfying to watch.
I saw many of those same faces Friday night at Allegiant Stadium. They were fans wearing USC jerseys: #3, #5, #11, a guy in a #32 OJ jersey which takes guts. Jerseys with just the numbers no names. You know who they are without the names, it's like the New York Yankees. USC is the King of college football in the West. Eleven National Titles. Six Heisman trophy winners etc...They have a sexy new coach in Lincoln Riley, and another Heisman quarterback in Caleb Williams. This is a fanbase who only really shows up when their team is elite. And the look on their faces of as they left the stadium was the same look that King Longshanks in Braveheart gave when he is told not only did you lose to little old Utah, and not only is it the second time this year, but you're out of the playoff! And you're going to play Tulane in a bowl game nobody cares about!
Enjoy the BIG 10. The Pac 12 belongs to the Utes.
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